Attacked by a Mad Dog
I am distraught. My chocolate lab Dixie, whom we have raised from a pup, came to me this morning and informed me that I had offended her and that due to the racist connotations of her name, she will no longer answer to that name, preferring to be addressed as “Svatchime”. “What? Offended? How can… Read more »
The Return of the Beer Monkey
When he was 3 or 4 years old, I could look at him and say ‘Beer Monkey! Fetch me a beer!”, and, smiling like a miniature lunatic, he would run down stairs to the fridge, get a beer, open it, and bring it to me. Life was good! “Beer Monkey!” I would say and boom!… Read more »
The Bolivian Two Step
Several years ago, I was shopping at Costco. As usual, I got steaks, bourbon, wine, and a mountain of other necessities. As with many big box stores, the downside of shopping at Costco is the checkout process. On weekends, the lines are invariably long and slow moving which is why I choose to go on… Read more »
Goodreads Book Giveaway!!!!
Goodreads Book Giveaway Me, Boo and The Goob by William L. Garner Giveaway ends August 15, 2017. See the giveaway details at Goodreads. Enter Giveaway
A Good Kid
Several years ago, a kid about 15 years old punched Catfish. The Fish was about 8 at the time. As you would expect, I was not happy and I went to have a chat with the kid’s parents. On asking one of the neighbors where the kid lived, I went there. When I found the… Read more »
Payback Is Hell
Sometimes, I still hear him laugh. Several years ago, while mowing the yard, Catfish somehow failed to see a 6 foot umbrella lying in the yard. He destroyed both the umbrella and the hours old lawn mower. I heard him laugh then. I could see him tilt his head back just a bit, and look… Read more »
37 West 65
Sometimes you run across something that really puts life in a new perspective. You pause for just a moment, and reflect on the blessings that you have been given. Several years ago, Catfish and I had a wonderful weekend of diving. We dove in deep, dark, cold water. He was only 14 and he accomplished… Read more »
Twenty Three Years in LandiLand
Wedding bells in Bethlehem. Condo Hell. A House in South Plainfield. ‘Landi, did you pick this color?’ A dog named Buckwheat. A boy named Catfish. Jordan arrived in Jersey. Chaunti. Fish pond in the back yard. Jenn went to Australia and came home to Jersey. The Jersey Shore Hello Wardlaw-Hartridge. Good by money. Barbeque Professionals… Read more »
Don’t try this at home. We are professionals.
Well, you’ve heard the saying ‘at least we weren’t DAL’? We don’t use that expression anymore. The event was ‘Smoking on the Square’ in Pensacola, and site was great….. except for the reserved Port-a-Potties. We didn’t know anything about them, so we didn’t reserve one. Let me just say that would have been a right… Read more »
Memories of Christmas Past
I miss them most on Christmas Eve. Every Christmas Eve they came to my parents house and we had quail for dinner. When he and Dad were younger, they would go quail hunting on Christmas Eve. The quail they killed that morning were the quail we would have for dinner that night. They were quail… Read more »