An Afternoon Movie
Many years ago, I took my daughters, ages 3 and 4, to see a movie. I remembered going to movies with my mom when I was a kid. Mom always picked stuff like “The Sound of Music” or “Mary Poppins”. Though ‘The Sound of Music’ eventually became one of my favorite movies of all time,… Read more »
Abby’s Irish Rose
As we progress through Catfish’s final semester, I sometimes reminisce some about my final semester before graduation at Ole Miss some 39 years ago. Catfish seems to be approaching graduation in a much more controlled and reasoned manner than I did. He goes out to pubs with friends. They drink beer and talk about job… Read more »
The Gift
When we were kids, my brother, my sister and I were always very eager to open a gift on Christmas Eve. It was our family tradition that we could each open one gift after dinner on Christmas Eve. We usually had to wait for a pretty good while after dinner to do it. We just… Read more »
The Great Quail Hunt
Once I got my driver’s license, every Christmas Eve it was my job to go pick Ralph up, and after dinner, to take Ralph home. Ralph was an old guy, and he was a Gentleman’s Gentleman, of sorts. If you ever had a question about manners, Ralph was the guy to ask. He helped my… Read more »
Old Friends and Holidays
As the holidays approach, we are planning a visit to Jonesboro, Arkansas, my hometown. I always look forward to visiting home. With each visit, some friend of mine sees fit to tell my wife, Landi, yet another ‘Bill Story. Some are quite entertaining and many are grossly exaggerated. Let’s just say there are few things… Read more »
Black Bart’s RV Park, Steak House and Saloon
Last year, Landi and I drove from Pensacola florida to Las Vegas, and then on to Los Angles for Thanksgiving dinner with her brother, David. It’s a long drive, but it is 100% something you ought to do. If you wonder what has happened to America, drive across it. You’ll meet wonderful people of all… Read more »
Tips for Frying a Turkey
A fried turkey is a wonderful thing. It is moist. It is flavorful, and it’s not hard to do. There are some things that only experience can teach you, and toward this end, I have some advice to offer. First, brine the bird. A brined bird is a juicy bird. Google Alton Brown’s Turkey brine… Read more »
On Being An Author
When I first set out to write a book, it was to be a technical book on Information Technology, the Unix Operating System, and professional Systems Administration. In thirty years, I have learned a lot of practical things that I thought I should share. Some, I have learned from others, and some I have discerned… Read more »
The Worst Place Ever
Perhaps the worst job I ever had was at the same time the best job I ever had. I was working for a ‘call center’ company. That’s a nice way of saying ‘Collections Company’. The place I worked was the 3rd largest ‘call center’ company in the world. It was run by a man who,… Read more »
First Love
She was my very first love and it was late afternoon when she called. It had been a long, hard day, but I knew she would call, and I knew that I would answer. We had spoken earlier, and agreed that it would be a good thing to meet later. This was that call. I… Read more »