A Dog and His Boy

Both will race you to a fallen grape, but only one will let you get it back.Bacon is a different matter. Both are equally generous with their loveto dogs, to people, to lizards and to frogs. Unfortunately, frogs and lizards occasionally get swallowed by at least one of them. Both look so truly innocent, and… Read more »

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Mrs. Dorthy Rauth

A few years ago, shortly after I bought my Ford Expedition, my wife needed to go get something out of the car. Rather than giving her my keys, I gave her my “code” to unlock the doors. I rattled it off like it was a phone number. “It’s very easy to remember,” I added. Landi… Read more »

Meeting The Family

Catfish has met a girl. He met a really nice girl, a girl he likes a lot. I know he likes her a lot just because he told us about her. At first, I somewhat doubted whether or not the girl actually existed anywhere but in his imagination. However, we saw photos of the two… Read more »

Random Christmas Memories

Yesterday, while at the lab waiting to have blood drawn, I reflected a little bit on Christmas through the years. Random thoughts came to mind, in no particular order. I guess I actually started down this rabbit hole on the drive to the lab. While driving in standard early Monday traffic, I remembered Christmas from… Read more »

Indian Mall

The Indian Mall was, for half a century, the crown jewel of North East Arkansas shopping. Paragould, Batesville, Blytheville, nor West Memphis had anything even remotely like it. It was cool, air conditioned indoor shopping on hot summer days and warm dry shopping on cold, rainy winter nights.

Kill Ball

As an underclassman, I remember fear the first time we all walked onto the basketball court in Junior High to play kill ball. I had never played before. Most of the ninth graders were nine feet tall. Eighth graders werent that tall. They were only eight feet tall. Seventh graders, we were tiny. We were… Read more »

Interacting With The Spirit World

In Fall of 1991, I moved from Memphis, Tennessee to Allentown, Pennsylvania. After living in an Embassy Suites hotel for a few months, I finally committed to an apartment of sorts. It was actually the upper floor of a place called the Mauch Chunk Hotel. It was 200 years old and was located on Mauch… Read more »

The Best Thing About Waking Up

I have an ax to grind with the weasel who first conceived the idea of putting images and messages on coffee mugs. You know, coffee mugs that have pictures or phrases on them commemorating places you’ve been or offering some funny observation. Those are the ones. I have about fifty of them, and I can’t… Read more »

Friday Night in Pensacola

Have you ever been to a bar or restaurant that was so good or so much fun that you almost didn’t want to tell anyone about it so that it didn’t get overrun? I knew a place like that in Memphis and now I’ve found one in Pensacola. Upstairs above The District Steakhouse, there is… Read more »

The Importance of Reading Instructions

Recently, my wonderful wife and I have been reminiscing about the joy of trying to teach teenagers to read the instructions that accompany new things. Some things are complicated to operate, and kids tend to ignore the instructions and just begin messing with the ‘thing’ until they either break it, or it works. With Ipads… Read more »

  • The Last Swim Meet

    In early August of 1965, I joined the Jonesboro YMCA swim team. I joined on a Friday, and the State Swim Meet was held the next day in Jonesboro. I won 3rd place in Freestyle and Backstroke, and would have had 2nd in Butterfly, but I was disqualified. Before that morning, I had never heard… Read more »

  • Blessings

    Every now and then, I pause and count my blessings. I’ve had a wonderful life. In my time, I have been a cowboy, a carpenter, a diving instructor, a sky diver, and a computer geek. I rode a bull exactly one time. I have had an office in my basement, and I have had an… Read more »

  • The Gin

    The Gin was to Ole Miss what Rick’s Cafe American was to Casablanca. It was more than a cross roads or a meeting place where libations flowed and inhibitions fell. It was a place where ideas were debated, and pretty girls were woo’d; a place where music rattled the the walls of the old building… Read more »

  • If that ain’t country, I’ll kiss your ass.

    The old Masonic Hall in Pensacola stands on the corner of Palafox and Garden. The ground floor has been converted into a music hall with a smallish stage and a balcony. There are bars upstairs as well as on the main floor. In the back there is an area with couches and small tables. We… Read more »

  • Technical Support

    Some years ago, my mother-in-law bought a new HP computer. She asked me to come down to Riverside and install her software on it, and move her documents and photos to it. I took my external drive and drove down, spending the afternoon installing the software and restoring the documents and photos. Everything worked, and… Read more »

  • Hot Catfish and Cold Beer

    Last night Landi and I had dinner at a ‘Seafood’ house. that’s what they call a ‘fish house’ down here on the coast. It had all sorts of nautical gear on the wall, and it smelled…well….it smelled of fish. It smelled of good fish. It smelled of fish so good it made your mouth water…. Read more »

  • Footprints in the Dew

    Yesterday, my sister and my niece dropped by on their way from Destin back to Jonesboro. We had a great time remembering our childhood adventures while sitting under the pavilion here at The Empty Nest. We enjoyed a wonderful dinner under the stars while we laughed about Mom and Dad, Birdland, and growing up. This… Read more »

  • Keurig Maintenance Tips

    This morning dawned with a beautiful blue sky. The air was crisp and clean and clear. My morning coffee smelled wonderful as my trusty Keurig machine slowly pumped out it’s wonderful morning elixir. ‘Slowly’ is the operative word. My bride noticed it, too. The weather forecast called for rain so my plans of installing water… Read more »

  • Brisket

    My chocolate Lab, Svatchime, watched me warily all day long. In the pre-dawn hours, I carefully built my fire. The Big Green Egg came to easily to temperature. My brisket had sat overnight, salted and peppered, on a rack in the beer fridge. It was dry and looking good when I put it on the… Read more »

  • How to Shampoo Carpet

    I usually start early, about 6:00 AM, on a day when my wife is traveling. This way I can vacuum the carpets, and shampoo them in one continuous operation without interruptions of conference calls and other realities of real work. The first thing I do is check the vacuum cleaner. We have one of those… Read more »