Both will race you to a fallen grape, but only one will let you get it back.
Bacon is a different matter.
Both are equally generous with their love
to dogs,
to people,
to lizards
and to frogs.
Unfortunately, frogs and lizards occasionally get swallowed
by at least one of them.
Both look so truly innocent, and might actually be truly innocent,
but only one will deny a pizza crust is hidden in his mouth,
and it’s not who you think.
When one of them passes gas,
both just smile and carry on.
One has perfect eye makeup,
and the other has snazzy glasses.
One can lick his own nose,
and the other has thumbs.
When his boy is sick,
the dog will lay down beside him.
He thinks he can heal his boy.
He’s probably right.
The dog’s greatest joy is playing with his boy,
or chasing his boy,
or sitting beside his boy,
or following his boy,
or taking a nap with his boy
or licking his boy,
or looking at his boy,
or getting kissed by his boy.
In the taking of naps, it is clear that neither the dog nor his boy
have any concept of personal space.
Supper time is special,
the dog worships the ground below where his boy eats.
Wrestling is fun, but the dog is a pushover because he is gentle with his boy.
The dog will protect his boy. Always.
The boy thinks all dogs are his dogs.
Dogs all probably agree.
He has no idea what that dogs name is.
His greatest joy is playing with the dog,
what ever his name is.
The dog showed him where to pee in the yard
and helped him learn to walk.
The dog can clean his boys face quicker
and far more completely than any parent.
The dog teaches his boy a lot.
He teaches his boy about love,
and loyalty….and french kisses,
about openly expressing amazing joy at the simplest of things in life,
how to do the ‘happy’ dance,
and zoomies,
About the rewards of a gentle nature,
and about truth in his innocent, unflinching, trusting gaze.
His boy learns sharing,
when the dog drops his bone in his boy’s lap.
His boy learns the value of strength, determination and persistence
in games of ‘tug of war’
His boy learns that if you want to play catch,
you can’t just put the ball down and lay your tongue on top of it.
You have to actually be willing to turn loose of the ball.
His boy learns that the dog will always listen,
be glad to see him,
be kind to him.,
and give him a kiss.
Above all, his boy learns to be strong
to defend his loved ones,
to help the helpless,
and to be a gentle man at all times.
You really need to read the book.
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